Monday, 10 March 2014

Day 6 | Mai Tie

Spring! It properly feels like Spring today. I have thrown caution to the four gentle breezes and dragged a huge hold-all from under teen-boy's bed.

I know! Such dedication to the cause, but I was after this bright yellow cardie and a pair of unbelievably useful 3/4 trousers. (Which on my little legs are more like 6/7).

I've raided iPodgey's tie collection too and here I am. Spring ready.

I have yet to set up the camera and gorilla pod - so as you see I'm struggling along with whatever light is available for my camera phone.

You might also note - the fancy borders! I have discovered a brilliant little app from the gels at So while I am committed to figuring out photoshop actions and improving my photographic skills - there's no harm in having a bit of fun exploiting the talents of other very fabulous chaps and chapesses along the way.

I'm off out with iPodge later - I can guarantee he will raise his eyebrows at this little number. I've put posh shoes on - so he'll feel more disposed. I haven't worn these beauts in years. They're very - very ladylike, I'm just not ready for a full-on sandal moment - to be honest it's already clouding over...

The dress was washed overnight and tumble dried while I worked out this morning. I can report that it dries in moments and the garden was so breezy and sunny today - I pegged my little black dress on the line for 20 minutes while I had a shower and wrangled a large bag from under a bed.

A note about sunglasses...

For me sunglasses should either make me look impossibly glamorous or so fierce that you worry I might actually kill you if you look me in the eye. Be assured if you are one of those rude, arse barging types. I very probably will!

The Dress |  Worn as you'd expect it to be.

The Rest | Yellow 3/4 sleeve cardi with little pockets, Oasis. 3/4 beige, side zip trews. Gap. Betty's ring, acid green knuckle duster, Tiffany bracelet, Turquoise necklace. Yellow plastic and diamante, cats eye sunnies.

The Shoes | Lady like, blunt concical heel shoes with shell/plastic disks, TKMaxx.

The Bag | Gorgeous little green and grey, slub silk, dolly bag with extra long handles bought in Thailand a very long time ago.

The Hair | Unbrushed, unwashed and frankly unacceptable!


  1. Glorious! The idea, the outfit, the writing, the blog. I very very heart everything.

  2. How lovely of you to say so! x
