Dear Darling | A letter from my future self...

I wrote this today - it felt ok to keep it here...

Dear Luli

Hello lovely you. Well blimey and crikey billy bikey - we made it to past 60! In fact I'm typing this from the deck of our lovely self built, energy-neutral house in the trees. Podgey is pottering about in the office - it's not 11am yet - so despite the air of industrious activity we both know he hasn't actually done anything constructive.

We on the other hand, have worked out, washed up and flung the windows wide - to greet the morning. So glad you decided to plant lots of spring bulbs every year and stopped worrying too much about what should go where.

That's one of the biggest things I want to let you know about my love. If you stop worrying about having to 'know' how to do it all before you start anything - you will get a hell of a lot more done.

You are doing so well - you need to let go even more. I know! Tough huh - but you can do it darling. Stop worrying about doing it all perfectly. Stop looking at how brilliantly every other person doing the thing you would like to do, is doing it. They are amazing - it's true.

There are people out there that need your thing - they will respond to how you tell the story - how you present the information and how you share your gifts. They WILL - but how are they going to know about what you have to offer if you won't share - out of fear of being rubbish?

From where I sit - I know that you can do this.

I also want to applaud you for making the decision to spend our life creating an amazing home-life full of love and laughter and delicious food and focused, valued children and friends.

Our friends and family are your currency dearest of women. The love you create is your fuel, your inspiration - your gifts and our life's work. It's an awesome body of work. We rock at loving.

Will you believe me when I tell you - that your credo 'Love is the Only Answer' is perfect for you and it is your message - your gift to everyone around you. Don't change it - just live it. TRUST IN YOUR INNER VOICE.

Let your soul guide you - spend more time with your own thoughts. Rest more, be more gentle. Rush less. We'll achieve more.

Take care of our knee and will you PLEASE stretch more. It's all very well doing resistance and cardio - but into your old ladydome what we'll really need is flexibility!

I'm super proud of you 52 year old luli - you're actions and determination to eat well, juice and workout means that 10 years on - we're still strong and vital. Thank you - rest and working at what you love works!

Oh and by the way - that radical artsy bob haircut you're considering is a master-stroke. You'll look rad and now we're 62 we still don't look mumsy or nanna-ish. I hope you don't mind - we have finally gone fully grey but I usually rinse it with purple - such a beautiful colour!

I want to reassure you my dear friend - that everything works out ok - the kids find their way. Podge continues to thrive and grow and pursue his interests and his work too with gusto and energy.

You are loved - you are respected and you are emphatically and wonderously your own gypsy self.

So now then
- I really must do a bit of gardening and then finish off the next podcast. We've been asked to do a TED Talk on living an authentic life...

Who'd've Thunk?!

All my love dear heart.

Your'e future self

Luli x

Pic Credit: The picture is of Ilona Royce Smithkin - a regular on Ari Seth Cohen's Blog and one of my style and creative heroines. She made her eyelashes from her own hair that day... Genius!

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